Joy-Full: Surpassing Joy


There are constant rivals coming against our pursuit of joy. Regretful shame from our past, overwhelming circumstances in the present, and unknown worries about the future all can cause us to take life into our own hands…To try harder, do more, get better, and push forward. However, the key to Christian living doesn’t come from trying harder, but from enjoying more fully all that we have been given by Christ…To know what He has done, experience what He has given, and hope in what He has promised. ~ Pastor Dave

Open: Have you ever lost something that you thought was valuable only to find something of better value to take its place? Share your story.

Read: Philippians 3; Acts 8; 2 Corinthians 6


1. Paul begins chapter 3 by reminding the Philippians to rejoice. Why do you think Paul kept reminding them to have joy? What does this tell us about the nature of joy in our lives? What makes choosing joy so difficult?

2. Notice that Paul gives three warnings (Philippians 3:2). Who are the “dogs”, “evildoers” and “those who mutilate this flesh”? What are these people teaching? Why do you think Paul is so harsh in his description? How do you see this exemplified in our culture today? What legalistic tendencies do you see in Christianity today? How does Philippians 3:3 describe our identity in Christ?

3.  Paul gives his resume in Philippians 3:4-6. What stands out about his resume? What would your “life resume” say? In what ways do we put confidence in our background (good or bad)? Do you ever struggle with shame from your past? In what ways do we place confidence in our achievements? What do you put confidence in? How do these things steal our joy? Why is it so difficult to “put no confidence in the flesh”?

4. Why do you think Paul considers his accomplishments as loss (Philippians 3:7)? He repeats this idea multiple times. What does the word “rubbish” mean? List some of the ways that Christ is better than every human achievement? How should this perspective bring us joy?

5. How is becoming more like Christ the goal of every Christian? What does it mean to know the power of resurrection? What does it look like to share in His sufferings? In what ways have you seen this in your own life? In what ways do you need to know Christ more?

Pray: Pray that you would be confident in Christ; that you would know the power of His resurrection more and share in His sufferings faithfully. Ask God to give you a greater awareness of the joy you have in the journey to being like Christ.

Memorize/Meditate: Indeed, I count everything as loss because of the surpassing worth of knowing Christ Jesus my Lord. For His sake I have suffered the loss of all things and count them as rubbish, in order that I may gain Christ. Philippians 3:8