Joy-Full: Unstoppable Joy

There are things all around us that attempt to imprison us and steal our happiness. From a frustrating relationship to an unfulfilling job, all of us have been caught chasing what we believe will bring us happiness, only to find ourselves more unfulfilled and even more empty. As Christians, this pursuit can leave us distracted from what really matters. True, supernatural joy comes when we fully grasp that our greatest gospel impact will usually run through our greatest adversities. ~Pastor Dave

Open: Have you ever found yourself in a situation where you felt trapped or even in prison? Share your story. How did it affect your outlook on life? How did your situation resolve?

Read: Philippians 1; Acts 4


1. Describe Paul’s situation. Have you ever been to jail? How would you react if you were in jail? In what ways are we in prison to our situations and circumstances?

2. How was Paul singularly focused on the gospel? What would you describe as your passions? Read Philippians 1:12. What does the word “advance” mean? Can you describe some historical moments where the gospel advanced in spite of surrounding circumstances?

3. What were the ways that the gospel was advancing in Philippians 1:12-14? How can our difficulties and suffering advance the gospel in this same way? How does our suffering help other brothers and sisters in the faith grow bolder? How have you seen this exemplified in your Christian journey?

4. Besides prison, what other problems and challenges was Paul facing? Describe what others were saying about Paul. In what ways have you been “kicked when you were down”? In what ways does this come from both unbelievers and believers? What other challenges try to steal your joy?

5. Read Philippians 1:18. One of the most surprising things about this passage is how Paul reacts. In what ways can we experience joy in spite of our circumstances? How does having gospel conviction bring joy in any circumstance? What are you rejoicing in right now? What are the things that you need gospel truth to override in your life right now? Where do you need joy to increase?

Pray: Take a moment to consider the spaces where you need joy in your life. Ask God to give you a greater awareness of the gospel through your suffering. Pray that God would advance the gospel through your suffering. Specifically, that more people would know Christ and others would grow in boldness because of your joy in suffering.

Memorize/Meditate: I want you to know, brothers, that what has happened to me has really served to advance the gospel…Philippians 1:12