Jonah: Sum of All Fear

We all have things we are afraid of. And our responses can vary. But when we change the object of our fear to God, it changes the response of our fear to obedience. It’s the fear of God that sets us free from the fear of our circumstances. - Pastor Dave

Open: Have you ever been afraid of something? Describe what made you afraid and how you responded:

Read: Jonah 1; Genesis 3; Psalm 56:3; Luke 1:50


1. How is fear the basis of running from God? How did fear play an integral part of the sinful fall in Genesis 3? In what ways was Jonah afraid of God’s call?

2. How do our responses reveal our beliefs about fearful situations? Has there ever been a time you had a wrong response to fear? Describe how the sailors demonstrated a wrong fear and a wrong response in the beginning of Jonah: How does our tendency to take control illustrate wrong responses to fear?

3. Describe how Jonah had the right fear but wrong response: Describe God’s sovereignty: In what ways do you know that God is in control but fail to give Him control? Do you agree with this statement? “We believe that God is in control but spend most of our lives trying to get out of His control.”

4. How does Jonah’s disobedience reveal a defective fear of God? What is the difference between being afraid of God and fearing God? How do the sailors illustrate this truth (see verses 5, 10, and 16)?

5. In what ways does God “flip the focus” of our fear? Was Jonah attempting to be the hero when he told the sailors to throw him overboard? Why or why not? What are the areas of your life where you need to be less afraid and have more fear of God?

Pray: Pray for a healthy fear of the circumstances in your life and that you would respond with intentional worship and deeper commitment.

Memorize/Meditate: When I am afraid, I put my trust in you. Psalms 56:3

Jonah: Storms of Grace

God is so committed to connecting His purpose to our lives that He graciously uses storms to keep us focused on His call. These storms have a way of revealing where our confidence actually lies. So much so that God is committed to destroying every ship that would take me away from Him. - Pastor Dave

Open: Have you ever felt like running away from home or actually did run away from home? Why or Why not? Describe the details:   

Read: Jonah 1; Proverbs 3:11-12 


1. Is it true that God knows us better than we know ourselves? How have you seen this in your own life? Is it equally true that God knows how to reach us at just the right moment? In what ways have you observed this truth in your life?  

2. How does verse 4 begin a shift of Divine interruptions? What does this tell us about God’s plan to get our attention? Has God ever used Divine interruptions to get your attention? Describe some of these:  

3. What did God use to get Jonah’s attention? In what ways does it seem that God intentionally interrupts areas that we put our confidence in? Describe the power of the storm in Jonah 1?  

3. Describe the contrast between the reactions of the sailors and Jonah: How do our choices affect those around us? Why is it that people who run from God are often the last to make the connection that God is the one trying to get their attention? How do we naturally respond to these storms through logical solutions?  

4. How could Jonah be asleep during this great storm? What does this tell us about Jonah’s disobedience? Who has God used in your life to wake you up when you are running from God? How is this entire story a picture of God’s grace? Describe E+R=O (Events + Responses = Outcomes):  

Pray: Pray that you would see the storms of your life as opportunities to respond to God’s call of obedience. 

Memorize/Meditate: My son, do not despise the Lord 's discipline or be weary of his reproof, for the Lord reproves him whom he loves, as a father the son in whom he delights. Proverbs 3:11-12

Jonah: Hiding Somewhere, Running Nowhere

Like Jonah, we all have a propensity to run and hide when God’s plan doesn’t seem to make sense. And oddly enough, there will always be a “ship heading to Tarshish.” But we learn that the God of great expenditure pursues selfish fugitives. Sin is overcome by grace; desperation is overwhelmed by deliverance; and great sin runs into a greater Savior. - Pastor Dave

Open: Have you ever played hide and seek? Where was a favorite place to hide? Why?  

Read: Jonah 1; 2 Kings 14; Nahum 3:1-4; Psalm 139:1-12 


1. Have you ever tried to run or hide from God? Why or Why not? Describe what running from God looks like: What were the circumstances that caused you to run from God?  

2. Describe Jonah’s resume: How was his success as a prophet unique? How does this reality fit into the story of Jonah as a whole?  

3. Describe the relationship between Israel and Assyria (Ninevah): Why did Jonah go to such great lengths to avoid going to Ninevah? What does it say to you that a city like Ninevah was a part of God’s plan? 

4. Notice the use of words like “Arise” (vs. 2); “come up” (vs. 2); “rose” (vs. 3); “went down” (vs. 3). Describe the use of these words in the text. How do these words describe Jonah’s intentional disobedience? 

5. All of us have “that thing” that could cause us to run. For Jonah it was Ninevah...What is it or what could it be in your life that would cause you to run and hide? 

Pray: Pray that you would turn from the areas where you are running from God and rekindle your relationship afresh and anew. 

Memorize/Meditate: Where shall I go from your Spirit? Or where shall I flee from your presence? Psalm 139:7

We Are One

The church isn’t perfect. It’s filled with many “spots” and “wrinkles.” But when we experience the unity and power of the gospel, the church becomes a place that displays God’s glory. Unity reveals His character and power accomplishes His mission

Open: Have you ever attempted to accomplish a task alone only to find it much easier when you had help? Describe the situation: How did having someone help you make the task easier and more enjoyable?

Read: John 17; Ephesians 5; 1 Corinthians 1


1. In Ephesians 5, Paul describes a future moment when the church will be “without spot or wrinkle.” What “spots” and “wrinkles” do you see in the church in general today? In what ways have these observations changed throughout the years? How have you experienced these personally? How have you caused some of these imperfections?

2. We live in an increasingly connected, yet fragmented society. While we are more connected than ever, we are also lonelier than ever. Do you believe this is true? Why or why not? How does this effect the mission and ministry of the church? How does this make being a part of the church more difficult?

3. Paul describes the importance of unity in 1 Corinthians 1. How is unity a reflection of Christ? How is unity more than mere agreement of beliefs? How is the unity of the church centered on the gospel of Christ? How does this fulfill Christ’s prayer in John 17?

4. How does the world view wisdom and power? How is the gospel of Christ foolishness in the world’s eyes? How does God demonstrate His power in the foolishness of the gospel?

5. How does the power of the gospel give us the power to live on mission? What are the areas of your life where you feel inadequate? How could this be seen as a moment to “boast in the Lord’s power”? How is the church the demonstration of God’s power? Pray for Crossroads to be unified in purpose and effective in mission.

Pray: Pray for your commitment to join God’s role in His gospel mission.

Memorize/Meditate: But God chose what is foolish in the world to shame the wise; God chose what is weak in the world to shame the strong; God chose what is low and despised in the world, even things that are not, to bring to nothing things that are, so that no human being might boast in the presence of God. 1 Corinthians 1:27-29

Legacy: What Are You Passing?

What are we passing to the next generation? Is it merely better economic standards, educational opportunities, and endless entertainment options? What if a better life isn’t the best? God calls us to invest in the next generation…so that they don’t merely survive life, but surrender to the wonder and majesty of God.

Open: Describe a tradition that you have in your family? How long has this tradition existed? What do you like most about the tradition?

Read: Judges 1-2; Deuteronomy 6:1-15


1. What do you find most different about the next generation? How did the previous generation find your generation unique? What makes generational transfer so difficult?

2. Describe the context of Judges 1-2: Joshua exhorts the people of Israel to remember God. But Judges 2 says that the next generation did not follow God. How is there a level of responsibility placed upon the previous generation to lead the next generation spiritually? In what ways did Israel fail to do this?

3. Deuteronomy 6 describes a process for leading and training the next generation. List some of the ways we are urged to engage the next generation: In what ways do we complicate this? Have you ever heard the expression, “I miss the good ‘ole days”? While true, how can this complicate our impact to the next generation?

4. How important is it to share stories of God’s faithfulness? How do you see a deficiency of sharing God’s faithfulness in Christianity today? What are some examples from your story that would be important to pass to the next generation?

5. When you consider the next generation, what do you see us passing onto them? Spend some time considering how you are leading and investing in the next generation. What are some ways you can encourage, exhort and cheer for them?

Pray: No matter your age, pray that you would be an encouragement and blessing to the next generation. Ask God to give you someone from the next generation to encourage, exhort and cheer. Read:

Memorize/Meditate: “Hear, O Israel: The Lord our God, the Lord is one. You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your might. And these words that I command you today shall be on your heart. You shall teach them diligently to your children, and shall talk of them when you sit in your house, and when you walk by the way, and when you lie down, and when you rise. Deuteronomy 6:4-7


As you look around your neighborhood, community and workplace, is there a holy irritation…a God-centered, grace-producing, gospel impacting agitation for people to know Jesus? Or have we become dull or even numb to the needs of our culture? For Christians, real ministry begins when our hearts are so provoked that it moves us to intentional gospel engagement.

- Pastor Dave

Open: Describe a time you were provoked: Why were you provoked? How did you react?

Read: Acts 17


1. Describe the situation that caused Paul to stop in Athens: How did this temporary stay become an intentional Divine moment? Have you ever had this happen to you? Describe the situation:

2. Acts 17:16 says that Paul was provoked. What does “provoked” mean? What observations in the city of Athens provoked him? Who were the Epicureans and Stoics? How do we see these same ideologies in our world today?

3. They invite Paul to the Areopagus. What was the Areopagus and what took place there? How does Paul respectfully address their beliefs? How did his awareness of their culture help facilitate gospel proclamation? What are the cultural things that we can respect yet use as bridges to the gospel?

4. A burden is worthless unless it is acted upon. Do you agree with this phrase? Why or why not? What burdens are you carrying for the people in your family, neighborhood, workplace or community? How do you see our natural tendency to complain and give up when it comes to the issues of our community and world? How do we tend to grow apathetic to the needs of our world?

5. Real ministry begins in our hearts, not in our strategy. How is this true in this passage? How is this true practically today? What is provoking you to gospel action in our community and world?

Pray: Pray that God would provoke you with a holy, God-glorifying, grace-producing agitation for something in our community that would require you to take a bold step of gospel action.

Memorize/Meditate: Now while Paul was waiting for them at Athens, his spirit was provoked within him as he saw that the city was full of idols. And he made from one man every nation of mankind to live on all the face of the earth, having determined allotted periods and the boundaries of their dwelling place, that they should seek God, and perhaps feel their way toward him and find him. Yet he is actually not far from each one of us…Acts 17:16,26-27

Reluctant Followers: That's Why We Pray

In times of suffering and weakness, we don’t always run to prayer immediately. But when we do stop and pray, we make one of the most radical acts in the Christian faith. We are taking our suffering and struggles and placing them in the hands of the One we can’t see, hear, or feel, but we believe He will answer with great power. Prayer should be the first line of defense, not the last resort for every believer. - Pastor Dave

Open: Describe a time your prayers were answered: How did prayer help grow your faith?

Read: James 5:13-20; 1 Kings 17-19; Mark 14:26-72


1. Tradition says that James was given the name “Camel Knees” because of his emphasis on prayer. How do you see prayer emphasized throughout the book? Why would James end his letter with an emphasis on prayer? In what ways do you see a connection between prayer and suffering?

2. James begins this section with a few rhetorical questions. We all face times of suffering and cheerfulness. What is usually our first reaction to moments of suffering? Why does prayer tend to be a last resort? How does this demonstrate the frailty of our faith?

3. James calls us to praise God in good seasons. If we are being honest, we probably have more good days than bad days in our lives. What hinders us from spending time praising God for the good? Is joy a good advertisement for Christianity? Do you believe Christians reflect this reality? Why or why not?

4. The word “sick” is used 18 times in the New Testament, 14 of them reference spiritual weakness. How can physical suffering cause spiritual weakness (and vice versa)? Why is it important to gather other people to pray for us in those moments? Describe the process of Elders anointing someone with oil:

5. James uses the illustration of Elijah. Describe how Elijah’s example encourages prayer in our difficulty: James ends with an exhortation to rescue a wandering brother. What makes this difficult? Do you have concern for someone who may be wandering?

Pray: Pray that God would strengthen your faith through a lifestyle of praying and praising. Pray for a brother or sister who might be wandering from the truth.

Memorize/Meditate: Therefore, confess your sins to one another and pray for one another, that you may be healed. The prayer of a righteous person has great power as it is working. James 5:16

Reluctant Followers: Finishing Well

The most important part of a story is the ending. No one reads a book to get to the middle. Without a strong ending, the value of our lives is cheapened and the potential of our influence is diminished. Whether this season is good or bad, we must patiently live with the end in view. God calls us to finish well.- Pastor Dave

Open: Describe a time that you had a difficult season of waiting: What made it so difficult? What was the outcome?

Read: James 5:1-12; Luke 18:18-30; Deuteronomy 24:14-15 1.


1. The gospel message isn’t Christ’s death and resurrection alone; it also includes the fact that He is coming again. How should this truth encourage our faith? Why do most Christians disconnect from Christ’s second coming? How should the coming of Christ aid us in times of suffering and difficulty?

2. What makes waiting so difficult? In what ways are Americans impatient? James addresses money and riches in a passage focused on Christ’s coming. How are money and possessions used in seasons of waiting? Why does James come down so hard on money and possessions? Is it wrong to have money and possessions? Explain.

3. In what ways do you see hoarding and self-indulgence in our culture today? In what ways do you see oppression as a form of security in our world today? Have you ever had moments where you “hoarded” or indulged in an unhealthy way? In what ways do we subtly oppress people through our possessions? How can “security” in possessions actually corrode and corrupt our faith?

4. How can waiting turn into irritable grumbling? In what ways have you grumbled in seasons of your spiritual journey? One author said, “We are a generation of grumblers.” Do you agree or disagree? Why?

5. James uses the example of farmers and prophets to describe our call to live patiently. How do farmers and prophets demonstrate waiting? How should our knowledge of Christ’s coming cause us to live patiently and expectantly? Pray that you would patiently endure difficulty.

Pray: Pray that your eyes would be on the glory of God’s plan and that your security would be set in Christ.

Memorize/Meditate: You also, be patient. Establish your hearts, for the coming of the Lord is at hand. Do not grumble against one another, brothers, so that you may not be judged; behold, the Judge is standing at the door. James 5:8-9